Solar_OS - Screenshots

2018_06_01: x64, Threads are added to Sol_OS ;)

x64 Threads

2018_05_27: x64, A WaterMark Application uses the IMAGE Control

x64 GUI IMAGE Control

2018_05_25: x64, More Applications start to run

x64 GUI Applications

2018_05_17: x64, Some Applications start to run (debug view)

x64 GUI Applications

2018_05_10: x64, The GUI starts to show up

x64 GUI start

2018_05_09: x64, A lot o debug info is in the background ...

x64 debug info

2018_04_06: x64, Solar_OS x64 Development starts ...

x64 development

2010_08_24: x32, Image control and image editor tests 2

Image edit control 2

2010_06_27: x32, Image control and image editor tests

Image edit control

2010_04_24: New Combo box control tests

SOL Combo box control

2009_06_08: SOL_FS native file system and OS installer

SOL File system

2009_04_21: Skin Test


2008_12_08: ASM IDE with code colappse and properties


2008_12_08: HTML engine / browser

HTML engine

2008_12_08: Text editor

Text editor

2008_05_05: API info

API Info

2008_05_05: KDBG with symbolic info

KDBG with symbols

2008_05_04: Booting form USB and USB mass drivers on EeePC

EeePC and Sol

EeePC and Sol

2007-05-12: FASM port on SOLAR

FASM running on SOL

2007-05-09: OS Kernel Mode Debugger

Solar_OS kernel mode debugger

2007-02-09: OS Exception handling

Solar_OS exception handling

2007-02-09: Hawk's proportional text justify

Sol text justify

You can see how text adjusts spaces inorder to fit window width

Sol text justify

2007_02_05: FASM port

Work in progress form a FASM port done by Pelaillo

Solar_OS exception handling

2007-01-03: Sol_Asm port

SOL_ASM is loaded from HDD as a normal PE executable, mapped and launched into execution. Then when you press compile it will assemble a file from the HDD.

Sol_Asm 01

SOL_ASM compiled this file, here you can see STDOUT messages and the file that is beeing compiled.

Sol_Asm 02

Here you can see debugg messages and the raw binary code output

Sol_Asm 03

And finaly you can see the raw binary launched into execution The binary executable creates a window.

Sol_Asm 04

2006-09-17: GFX Objects Viewer and Proportional Font

  • Bogdan: proportional fonts integrated into OS
  • Hawk: proportional fonts text drawing with word wrap

    You can see the text wrapping to match the window size while respecting each character's width.

    Proportional Font

    2006-07-14: Sol_Tris Game

    Sol_Tris game

    2006-05-01: TreeView Control

    Tree Control

    2006-04-22: Network drivers for DEC 21140A

    This provides internet access for Solar_OS from inside VPC - by Eugen

    VPC Network layers

    2005-02-07 : New Skins done by Cyberkilla04uk

    You are now able to instantly switch skinns with Alt+B

    Cyber Skin

    I guess the icons on desktop dont really do what they say, but they will ;)

    Cyber Skin

    Cyber Skin

    Eugen's new Network layers under a new skin from Cyber ;)

    You can see here the feature of loading/unloading and start/stop of network layer as well as the posibility to run multiple instances of drivers for multiple network cards.

    Cyber Skin

    2004-12-11 : Network layer tests:

    Network layers by Eugen

    Network layers

    2004-11-12 : PCI Devices Detection and Enumeration:

    Mainly done by Eugen Brasoveanu in preparation for Network and Sound Drivers

    PCI Detection

    2004-11-12 : Control Pannel Applets:

    Control Pannel

    2004-11-12 : Desktop With Icons:

    Desktop Icons

    2004-07-04 : Again cyberkilla04uk made some nice changes to SolOS GUI:

    Cyberkilla GUI

    2004-06-12 : Testing Hawk's new GRID control

    Grid Control

    2004-06-03 : Just Look what cyberkilla04uk did to the old SolOS version:

    Cyberkilla changes

    2004-05-28 : Successful debugging of a Scroll Bar Control

    Successful Debugging of Scroll Bar

    2004-03-17 : Tight Screen (translucent windows help)

    Translucent windows on tight screen

    2004-03-02 : New Release with Multiple Desktops

    New release with multiple desktops

    2004-02-27 : New HDD FAT32 Explorer

    HDD Exlorer

    Dreq's new mouse, each window/object can have its own mouse

    GUI Screen

    Screenshots kindly made by bazik under vmware(c)

  • Thank you bazik ...

    GUI Screen

    Boot screen

    Work Screen