Solar_OS - Screenshots
2018_06_01: x64, Threads are added to Sol_OS ;)
2018_05_27: x64, A WaterMark Application uses the IMAGE Control
2018_05_25: x64, More Applications start to run
2018_05_17: x64, Some Applications start to run (debug view)
2018_05_10: x64, The GUI starts to show up
2018_05_09: x64, A lot o debug info is in the background ...
2018_04_06: x64, Solar_OS x64 Development starts ...
2010_08_24: x32, Image control and image editor tests 2
2010_06_27: x32, Image control and image editor tests
2010_04_24: New Combo box control tests
2009_06_08: SOL_FS native file system and OS installer
2009_04_21: Skin Test
2008_12_08: ASM IDE with code colappse and properties
2008_12_08: HTML engine / browser
2008_12_08: Text editor
2008_05_05: API info
2008_05_05: KDBG with symbolic info
2008_05_04: Booting form USB and USB mass drivers on EeePC
2007-05-12: FASM port on SOLAR
2007-05-09: OS Kernel Mode Debugger
2007-02-09: OS Exception handling
2007-02-09: Hawk's proportional text justify
You can see how text adjusts spaces inorder to fit window width
2007_02_05: FASM port
Work in progress form a FASM port done by Pelaillo
2007-01-03: Sol_Asm port
SOL_ASM is loaded from HDD as a normal PE executable, mapped and launched into execution.
Then when you press compile it will assemble a file from the HDD.
SOL_ASM compiled this file,
here you can see STDOUT messages and the file that is beeing compiled.
Here you can see debugg messages and the raw binary code output
And finaly you can see the raw binary launched into execution
The binary executable creates a window.
2006-09-17: GFX Objects Viewer and Proportional Font
Bogdan: proportional fonts integrated into OS
Hawk: proportional fonts text drawing with word wrap
You can see the text wrapping to match the window size while
respecting each character's width.
2006-07-14: Sol_Tris Game
2006-05-01: TreeView Control
2006-04-22: Network drivers for DEC 21140A
This provides internet access for Solar_OS from inside VPC - by Eugen
2005-02-07 : New Skins done by Cyberkilla04uk
You are now able to instantly switch skinns with Alt+B
I guess the icons on desktop dont really do what they say, but they will ;)
Eugen's new Network layers under a new skin from Cyber ;)
You can see here the feature of loading/unloading and start/stop of network layer
as well as the posibility to run multiple instances of drivers for multiple network cards.
2004-12-11 : Network layer tests:
Network layers by Eugen
2004-11-12 : PCI Devices Detection and Enumeration:
Mainly done by Eugen Brasoveanu in preparation for Network and Sound Drivers
2004-11-12 : Control Pannel Applets:
2004-11-12 : Desktop With Icons:
2004-07-04 : Again cyberkilla04uk made some nice changes to SolOS GUI:
2004-06-12 : Testing Hawk's new GRID control
2004-06-03 : Just Look what cyberkilla04uk did to the old SolOS version:
2004-05-28 : Successful debugging of a Scroll Bar Control
2004-03-17 : Tight Screen (translucent windows help)
2004-03-02 : New Release with Multiple Desktops
2004-02-27 : New HDD FAT32 Explorer
Dreq's new mouse, each window/object can have its own mouse
Screenshots kindly made by bazik under vmware(c)
Thank you bazik ...