Solar OS API - GUI - Constants

We are Placing Flags and signs
in the sands...

Window Flags

Below are the curently availabe window flags

WND_FLAG Description
FLAG_WND_ALPHA Makes window translucent.
FLAG_WND_HIDDEN Hides the window. Hidden windows do NOT get ACT_PAINT_CHILD message
FLAG_WND_NO_MOVE Window can not be moved by user drag.
FLAG_WND_NO_RESIZE Window can NOT be resized by user drag.
FLAG_WND_LEFT Window text aligns to left. Curently is only functional for button captions
FLAG_WND_RIGHT Window text aligns to right. Curently is only functional for button captions
FLAG_WND_MINI Window has minimize Arrow and can be minimized by user click on it. Curently minimize is a kind of hide.
FLAG_WND_DISABLED Disabled window. Does NOT get ACT_LEFT_DOWN or focus. On butons caption is draw embossed.
FLAG_WND_KEEP_RIGHT Window is anchored to the right of parent
FLAG_WND_KEEP_BOTTOM Window is anchored to the bottom of parent
FLAG_WND_KEEP_DX Window keeps DX (width) relative to parent
FLAG_WND_KEEP_DY Window keeps DY (height) relative to parent
FLAG_WND_NO_MOVE_X Window will not move on X
FLAG_WND_NO_MOVE_Y Window will not move on Y