Reference - Units

Here are some of the Units you can find and use in Hostile Encounter. Much more units are avilable in game

Some Ground Units from game

Name Race Picture Description
Extractor Terran Extractor worker
Bug Machines Bug worker
Disciple Gods Disciple worker
Graviton Lords Disciple worker
Special Marines Terran Marines Fighter

Some Air Units from game

Name Race Picture Description
Titan Lords Shark Air Battle Ship
Shark Machines Shark Air Hunter/Attack Ship
Shadow Lords Shadow Air Attack Ship
Tiamat Gods Tiamat Ultimate Air Attack Ship

Some Buildings from game

Name Race Picture Description
Terran training Barracks Terran Barracks Infantry Training base
Dark Temple Lords Dark Temple Main Base of Lords
Mother Ship Gods Mother Ship Gods Main Base, an Air Building!
Osiris temple Gods Osiris temple Gods Building
White Star Gods White Star Gods Building
Spiral Machines Spiral Machines Builder Building