Solar OS API - Articles

Hello... Hello...
Is there anybody "in" there?.

Solar OS Hello World

Requirements: How simple is "simple"?

First of all let us define what an typical hello world application should do:

here is the code

; define strings that will be used below
app_hello_world_sz_caption	db	"Hello World",0
app_hello_world_sz_msg		db	"Welcome to the Hello World Application!",0

; Initialize the Application
App_Hello_World_Init PROC STDCALL
	USES	esi
	LOCAL	@@wnd_handle:dword
	; 1) Create Main App Window
	Call	API_Window_Create STDCALL,[desk_crt],132,105,240,112,eax,WND_TYPE_TOP
	mov	[@@wnd_handle],eax

	; 2) set callback and caption
	Call	API_Window_Set_Callback STDCALL,[@@wnd_handle],OS_CALL_AFTER,offset App_Hello_World_Main_Callback
	Call	API_Window_Set_Caption STDCALL,[@@wnd_handle],offset app_hello_world_sz_caption

	; 3)The End

; Callback routine for application's main Window
App_Hello_World_Main_Callback PROC STDCALL
	USES	ebx,esi
	ARG	@@wnd_handle:DWORD,@@wnd_action:DWORD,@@wnd_param1:DWORD,@@wnd_param2:DWORD	

	; a case based on message/event value
	.IF [@@wnd_action]==ACT_PAINT_CHILD
		; Wnd::On_Paint -> here we draw our string
		Call	API_Text_Draw STDCALL,[@@wnd_handle],16,32,offset app_hello_world_sz_msg,01fff00h
	.ELSEIF [@@wnd_action]==ACT_LEFT_DOWN_CHILD
		; Wnd::ON_Mouse_Left_Down --> todo: add click code here

	.ELSEIF [@@wnd_action]==ACT_LEFT_UP_CHILD
		; Wnd::ON_Mouse_Left_Up --> todo: add click code here

	.ELSEIF [@@wnd_action]==ACT_KEY_CHILD
		; Wnd::ON_Key --> todo: add keyboard code here

	.ELSEIF [@@wnd_action]==ACT_CLOSE_CHILD
		;Wnd::Destructor --> todo:add code here


	; by convention you must return zero 
	; or the parent will terminate you
	xor	eax,eax

; End of hello world application


This can be used as a start-up template for writtiong your own SOL_OS applications.

Honestly this is very simple, all you have to do is:

See also: